Canada, Economy, Governments, Politics

What are you doing to us?

To the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Hon. Justin Trudeau

Dear Prime Minister, I am very concerned about the future of Canada.
While I understood the governments’ initial reaction to the Pandemic, things have changed. But we are still facing lock downs, which have been lifted in many other countries. People have lost their jobs, because they are not fully vaccinated and in return, we are experiencing a shortage of labor in many fields. It is proven that vaccination does not prevent people from being infected with the COVID 19 virus. So why can’t they go back to work.? Prime Minister, what are you doing to us?

In addition, many unvaccinated people had the virus. Science has proven that they are less contagious and are better protected than the fully vaccinated, why can’t the live a normal life and take part in all activities?  Prime Minister what are you doing to us??

Unvaccinated people still are not allowed to use the trains, fly on airplanes, even in our own country and can not even travel on long-distance busses. Prime Minister, what are you doing to us?

Inflation is rampant in grocery stores and at the gas pumps, where prices have almost doubled to over $2.00 over the last two years and they are still rising. Canada has one of the biggest oil reserves in the world and why are we paying outrageous high prices for gasoline. Prime Minister, what are you doing to us?

One more issue is excessive spending which fuels inflation. Our national debt according to The Economist is now 1.7 trillion. Not million, not billions, but 1.7 trillion that is a 1 with 12 zeros. Interest on the debt will be 27 billion in 2022 and that will be added to the debt. What is being done to our children and grandchildren is irresponsible. It is a huge debt on their shoulders, one they will never be able to repay. They will be enslaved by debt. Prime Minister,  why are you doing this us, to our children and grandchildren?

If you agree with the above please share it. It might reach the PM’s Office

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